Thanksgiving is that magical time in between Halloween and Christmas - unless you're a retailer, and it's that little bump in front of Black Friday. Either way, we all have something to be thankful for. Here's my somewhat irreverant but totally me list.
- I am grateful for the break that Twitter gives me from school work. Yes, I might finish my work quicker, but I'd also need more haircolor to cover up the grays.
- I am thankful for all the nice people who want to help me make money while whitening my teeth with these "secret" methods that every 4th person seems to know but me.
- I am thankful for the music loving sites out there like @freeonlineeradio and @blipfm who let me play music my way because of their wide selections of music.
- I am thankful for the shoe-loving people out there who have allowed me to feel good about not knowing (or wanting to know) how many pairs of shoes I have.
- I am grateful for the education that I receive daily about stuff like Zhu Zhu pets. I heard about here before I ever saw them on TV.
- I am grateful for emoticons and avatars and all the other pictures that make Twitter fun. Sometimes I forget who I'm talking to - especially close to holidays, but love the pictures.
- I am thankful for Twitter parties. Nothing says concentration like lines and lines of rapidly moving text to make you really, really focus (and develop strong bladder muscles).
- I am grateful for all the nice mobile Twitter clients that allow me to take my addiction on the road. It's all about productivity, isn't it? Why should the bathroom stop me from tweeting?
- I'm thankful for features like "Block and Report Spam". It is my personal weapon of choice against the hordes of "cigar smoking Britney bots" out there. Nothing say #win like watching that avatar disappear.
- I am grateful to know that, no matter what time of day, someone is on, tweeting about their day, some contest, a recipe, non-exploding sweet potatoes and any number of things. It's an insomniac's delight.
So, what are you thankful for?