Just a little further note on that. The entry deadline has been extended until December 28, so there is still time to get in a few more entries. If you win, remember that you get the choice of a Kindle 2, an E-Reader of a Nook. Either reader is a good choice.
The nice thing about this contest is that you get a choice. How many contests do that for you? You win the prize, and you have no control over color, size or anything. The prize is what it is, but not with this giveaway. The choice is in your hands.
As I've mentioned before, the choice for me is easy. It's still the Kindle.
Cre8tiveDee - Ramblings of an Online Mind
Cre8tiveDee is the online creation of a contesting, shoe-loving, iPhone loving, music playing lover of life. My ramblings may be random but I hope that you will find something of value.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Giveaway to Sell Your Soul For
Anyone who has followed for awhile is well aware of my quest for three times: a Flipcam (not yet), a really good camera (not yet), and a Kindle. Here I go again. APrkAvePrincess and Matthew Carter, author of Liquid Soul, have teamed up for a wonderful giveaway. The winner gets to choose between a Kindle 2, an E-Reader or a Nook. For me, the choice is very easy. You guessed it: Kindle. My dream e-reading device. If it's good enough for Oprah, it's good enough for me.
How might you possibly win this giveaway you ask? Well, you have to follow the author and @APrkavePrincess. You have to follow her blog at www. aparkavenueprincess.blogspot.com. The link lists many ways to
gain additional points for the contest, including buying the author's book, Liquid Soul.
I have the book, and it is entertaining. Imagine being able to literally become someone else, if only for a few moments, by making contact with their blood. The subject of Liquid Soul can do just that, and this "power" becomes an addiction for him. There is more to say, but trust me, buy the book and find out for yourself.
However, if you would, can you leave the Kindle for me?
How might you possibly win this giveaway you ask? Well, you have to follow the author and @APrkavePrincess. You have to follow her blog at www. aparkavenueprincess.blogspot.com. The link lists many ways to

I have the book, and it is entertaining. Imagine being able to literally become someone else, if only for a few moments, by making contact with their blood. The subject of Liquid Soul can do just that, and this "power" becomes an addiction for him. There is more to say, but trust me, buy the book and find out for yourself.
However, if you would, can you leave the Kindle for me?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What Parents Will Do to Get That Christmas Toy
If you continue to dance on this planet long enough, you will get to see many trendy toys come and go. There will ALWAYS be a trendy toy, so take that Elmo and Zhu Zhu. Like many others, you will become the fond stuff of adult memories. Until then, parents will do what they can - short of wrestling with another parent in the aisles - to get that trendy toy for their child. As for the wrestling, well, I think some have resorted to that. Oh well.
Once upon a time, the Cabbage Patch Kid was THE toy. It was hard to find one, and when you waited to begin the hunt (like I did), trying to find one was even harder. Now, combine that with trying to find one for my chubby cheeked little chocolate angel was even harder. Did I mention that I have a son? There, you have it: I was looking for an African-American Cabbage Patch boy doll.
At the time, I worked for Sears, so I could get an employee discount on my purchases. I ordered my Cabbage Patch - backordered until Christmas. JC Penney - no luck. Spiegel? - backordered. Everywhere I tried - no little dude for my little dude. So, I gave up on that and moved on to other things on his list.
As luck would have it, I arrived home one day, and there was a box on the carport from Spiegel. My son was out with his grandmother, and I was so excited. Could it be? I tore open the outer box and opened it to find Jamie, my own little chocolate Cabbage Patch ..........girl. Oy, what to do, what to do?
I did what I had to do. I did a sex change on a Cabbage Patch doll. When my son went to bed that night, I got Jamie the girl out and took her ponytails down. Findng some thick thread, I stitched that doll's hair to her skull in rows and gave that girl an afro. The clothing, overalls, were unisex, so I didn't need to change that. I bought the new "Jamie" a basketball set of clothing and other sports-related cabbage patch stuff and made sure that the birth certificate didn't say an

On Christmas morning, EARLY Christmas morning, my son tore open the box that I had so carefully decorated and jumped on my bed with his new buddy Jamie. He was happy. He and his buddy had fun - and my sewing job held. I may have the only Cabbage Patch on the planet that changed genders, but you know what, my son didn't know. My mother, however, was very amused.
Boy, what we won't do to bring a smile to our children's faces.
The 3rd Day of "Tweet"mas - Jingle Tweets

Dashing through the streets
Had to tweet, what can I say?
Rushing through the streets
My contest is ending today!
Bells on corners ring
And I feel so bright
What fun it is to tweet and tweet
contests through the night.
Oh, Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
Oh what fun it is to tweet
on Twitter every day.
Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
With a little pluck
and a bit of luck
Good things might come my way.
A year or so ago
Of Twitter I'd never heard
but soon I knew it well
Now Twitter is the word.
I can wake up in the morn
and turn up on machine
It puts me in my happy place
and from it I'll never wean.
Oh, Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
Oh what fun it is to tweet
on Twitter every day.
Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
With a little pluck
and a bit of luck
Good things might come my way.
Had to tweet, what can I say?
Rushing through the streets
My contest is ending today!
Bells on corners ring
And I feel so bright
What fun it is to tweet and tweet
contests through the night.
Oh, Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
Oh what fun it is to tweet
on Twitter every day.
Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
With a little pluck
and a bit of luck
Good things might come my way.
A year or so ago
Of Twitter I'd never heard
but soon I knew it well
Now Twitter is the word.
I can wake up in the morn
and turn up on machine
It puts me in my happy place
and from it I'll never wean.
Oh, Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
Oh what fun it is to tweet
on Twitter every day.
Jingle tweets, jingle tweets,
Tweeting all the way,
With a little pluck
and a bit of luck
Good things might come my way.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
2nd Poem of "Tweet"mas - Let Me Tweet
(sing to the tune of Let It Snow)
Oh the weather outside is freezing
My hair could use some teasing
Warm sockies upon my feet
Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
Oh the weather outside is freezing
My hair could use some teasing
Warm sockies upon my feet
Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
Rain shows no signs of stopping
Man my joints are popping
Been up so long I am beat!
Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
When a contest is going on
I am not going out in the storm
I'll just sit at my screen and tweet
that way I know I'll be warm!

My love of Twitter's not dying
I love it - I'm not lying,
So while I sit here in my seat
Let me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
Man my joints are popping
Been up so long I am beat!
Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
When a contest is going on
I am not going out in the storm
I'll just sit at my screen and tweet
that way I know I'll be warm!
My love of Twitter's not dying
I love it - I'm not lying,
So while I sit here in my seat
Let me Tweet! Let Me Tweet! Let Me Tweet!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Twas the Tweet Before Christmas

Twas the tweet before Christmas, when all through the net
contesters were tweeting, hadn't given up yet
The coffee cups sat by laptops with care -
would not want to spill any liquid on there.
The spouses were nestled all shug in their beds,
while visions of prizes danced in contesters' heads.
My "twiend" in her pj's and I in my gown
tweeted with one hand (we had this stuff down).
When out on the web there arose such a clatter
my eyes jumped to the screen to see what was the matter.
Away to my columns my eyes flew in a flash
Scrolled down my Tweetdeck - up and down in a dash.
The moon reflected on new-fallen snow
that couldn't compete with my laptop's glow.
when what to my wondering eyes should appear
a direct message from out of the clear.
Wasn't there before - showed up so quick
I knew in a moment that I had to click!
More rapid than disco, my heartbeats they came
and I whistled and shouted, "That winner's my name!"
A Gift Card, some jewelry, some shoes, I'm a Vixen!
Come UPS, FedEx, down below Mason-Dixon!
To the top of the stairs and knock on the door!
Bring me my prizes and please bring me more!
As lines of tweets during a party do fly
when you are so lost, you just look to the sky,
You tweet and you hope that the hosts will pick you.
but everyone else is thinking that too!
And, if in a twinkling, your name does display,
all that confusion is oh so okay!
You get back to the keyboard instead of turning around
If you left for a moment, you just might lose ground.
So you tweet during the night with your socks on your feet
You tweet and try not to ever leave your seat
A bundle of prizes you're trying to win.
You try to walk away, but your head starts to spin!
Your eyes - how they twinkle! Your smile is so merry!
and winning that prize is life's sweetest cherry.
So whether you're new or longer to the show.
We keep right on tweeting - even when the Internet's slow.
The dog sits there barking, leash in his teeth
You made him your avatar, wearing a wreath.
His cute little face and his round little belly,
didn't stop you from having peanut butter and jelly.
You dressed up your kitten like a cute little elf.
I dressed up m Furbys as they sat on the shelf.
A wink of the eye and a shake of the head,
I was feeling so sleepy, thought I'd pass out dead.
Didn't say another word, but got right back to work,

If I missed another contest, I'd feel like a jerk!
Put my fingers on the keys as I wiggled my nose
and I tweeted and watched as the lines of text rose;
I needed caffeine - heard the tea kettle blow,
poured another cup of tea and got back with the flow.
Twas the tweet before Christmas , by the computer light
Happy season to all, each and every tweet night!
Friday, December 4, 2009
A Letter to the Cigar Smoking Bots
Dear Cigar Smoking Bot,
It fills
my heart with glee to wake up on a Friday morning to see you. It was bad enough before when I would check my list of followers only to see your face (I would say smiling but I can't tell because you're kinda busy). When a person is new to Twitter, seeing the follower numbers do a jump is exciting (okay, it's still exciting), and we just want to see these people who think that we might be interesting enough to follow. We smile at our new found sense of worth until the follower page opens, and there you are, the cigar - smoking femme fatale. It was my daily duty to delete you because once I went a whole three days without looking at the list; I was greeted by a low row of that - nothing anyone wants to see on an empty stomach.
Now you have changed your tactic. I open up Tweetdeck and there in my replies column you sit in your full-color glory; worse yet, when that notification box pops up, you're practically eye-level with me. I may never have breakfast sausage again - even the vegetarian kind. I can't get away from you.
What do I want from Twitter? I want a place where I can chat with my friends, enter my contests, listen to my music and live in peace. Dear little bot, I will never click on your link, I don't like your language, and if I want to see a naked star, I'll go to the movies or turn on cable. I hope that Twitter can pull the plug on this little bot and all her little bot buddies.
So little bot, here's a suggestion. Go away. Leave me and my friends alone. Go hassle each other with a little bot on bot action (wouldn't that be a sight). Be fruitful and multiply somewhere else.
On a positive note, I haven't had a corn dog in months.
It fills

Now you have changed your tactic. I open up Tweetdeck and there in my replies column you sit in your full-color glory; worse yet, when that notification box pops up, you're practically eye-level with me. I may never have breakfast sausage again - even the vegetarian kind. I can't get away from you.
What do I want from Twitter? I want a place where I can chat with my friends, enter my contests, listen to my music and live in peace. Dear little bot, I will never click on your link, I don't like your language, and if I want to see a naked star, I'll go to the movies or turn on cable. I hope that Twitter can pull the plug on this little bot and all her little bot buddies.
So little bot, here's a suggestion. Go away. Leave me and my friends alone. Go hassle each other with a little bot on bot action (wouldn't that be a sight). Be fruitful and multiply somewhere else.
On a positive note, I haven't had a corn dog in months.
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